It's strange to actually have met someone who wants to actually hang out normally. Not to point out any specific people in the city, mainly EVERYONE. We're all guilty of it though. I'm guilty of it too. When it comes to dating though it always seems like no one wants to ever meet up after the second date. W is much different though. He's a Pieces, which is no surprise, since the last two serious relationships I've had were Pieces too.
This week we (look at me I'm like the royal family) went to the latest Richard Foreman Show called Wake Up Mr. Sleepy, Your Unconscious Mind is Dead!
Different is a word to describe it best. Not the traditional theater I am used to see. Which is OK with me. I like seeing different kinds of shows that will make me think, or see the venue I adore so much in a different light.
The last night we went to the NYC Ballet to see Jerome Robbins: An American Icon. Since the NYC Ballet has brought much stress into my life. I won't talk much about it. All I can say is that each piece was so different and amazing at the same time. The final dance was an ode to a scene from the movie You Never Were Lovelier. You can see a slowed down version on if you are up for it. Just watch from 1:35 between 2:40 minutes. The dance Robbins created from it was phenomenal.
I am excited to be returning back to school. Work is nice, BUT it stresses me out five days a week. My job stresses me out a touch. My coworkers are really lacking in the humor department and very overloaded with the cynical. It gets to be a little bit of a downer. Plus my boss is a Libra and I find them difficult to understand sometimes.
As much as I don't like being an Eternal Student, I like it because it puts work second in my life. I don't like it when my job is first priority. At least a job that I only REALLY do to make money. I've much rather have a job I enjoy.
Working for theater...Working for theater? Really? There's a thought to ponder on a cold night.
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