I didn't see any sort of theater.
I know! Shock and scandal. Unless you count Thursday where I saw my College's production of June Moon. Can anyone say dated? It was cute, but that's all it REALLY was. Some of the actors really captured that 1920s style. While others just played the same old game. It's funny seeing shows in a small theater department cause the BFA/MFA Acting Majors are basically in repertory. Since it's the new semester the ones I saw last semester are now playing new roles, but one has to ask, have they improved? Some have, some haven't. Simple as that.
So what did I do this weekend without theater? Good question. I sort of went to parties and drank and socialized. I did read Equus, which was psychologically brilliant. I think I'm the only person hoping for the Harry Potter version of this show to come to Broadway for the show's sake and not just cause I want to see his penis...I could care less. I've seen many wands in my short time on earth, even Harry Potter's won't impress me more than others.
What else happened? I went out to Harlem for a friend's birthday party. It was fun. But it happened again. I'm slightly drunk and I say something that dates myself. Last night it was, "I came out when I was 15." And someone is like, "15? How old are you now?"
And I answer them and they make a big scene because I'm young. Granted he was an improv actor so he's ALL about being dramatic and being the center of attention. He informs me, "You do REALIZE we're here for J's 30th birthday?"
Yea I was aware. I don't think he spoke to me for the rest of the night. Alcohol and youth do not make older people happy.
Someone tried to improve my surprise by his reaction in saying, "Well you definitely have an older soul." To which I laughed.
I just always want to say look at it from my perspective! I'm friends with NO one my age. Not that it's awful, it really isn't. But to know you've actually lived life, traveled and so what you're 33 and an improv actor? Or 32 and a bike messenger. It's the life you've lived and you're still here. I don't know if I'll ever amount to anything and always feel a heavy urge to catch up to my older friends.
Even though I know it'll come with experience and life, it's hard to watch them all take vacations, live in their decent/great apartments and have enough time to go out late on weekdays, and just hang out with friends.
While I can't really meet up because I have class until 6pm, and then I have to do my homework that day because with my work and class schedule it's the only time that is allotted to me. Plus I need to work late nights so I can never make it to happy hour cause I don't get off work until 9 or 1030 most nights.
It's things like that, that are tough. I know they sound contrived, but they do bother me slightly.
OR the fact that all my friends have been friends for many years, they met when they were 21/22 and are now entering their 30s and still friends. I haven't a friend that I've known that long that I can name off hand. And that's friends who are here with me now! Not people I do still communicate with.
It was REALLY difficult to lose my identity when I transfered colleges, but I did. I don't have a friend from there really that is willing to go that extra step to say hello.
I shouldn't be complaining, my weekend wasn't bad, it was very fun actually.
I didn't get home until 5 am this morning...so I'm tired...
Post time is up!
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