Apparently I have become a hot commodity at Brooklyn College. This week I have been approached by so many gay men, etc. One has a crush on me, um what is this high school? It's cute, until I learned who it was (well I think it is) and I know he is NOT my type.
Then I have finally discovered where all the gay men are. Certainly not in the Theatre Department. They are in the Music Department! ALL OF THEM! I discovered this when A. One hit on me, which I will get to in a second and B. Many of the music students are performing in a Opera (orchestra obviously) down the hall from the dressing rooms and they apparently all LOVE me. They keep giving me looks, like cutesy eyes and such.
So to my little tale. So on Monday I was heading to the Costume shop to get ready for the show and I make eye contact with this guy who his carrying his instrument. We then proceed to perform this weird circling routine. Where we kept crossing paths, but wondering if we should just go to our respective destinations. Finally after making eye contact for the 20,000 time I walked up and said, "Hello."
We only spoke for a moment, he's cute but shy and awkward. It's nice. He is a Viola player and is getting his grad. So here's what that means in my mind...
I did what I often do when I meet a guy I think is cute, which has always had disastrous results in the past, but I still do it. In those short couple of minutes speaking...
I planned out life together.
Well he is a musician, so that must mean he has some cultural background. Probably not theatre, but enough that we can go to the NY Opera when the seasons starts next fall. He's probably 25/26 (well he looked that age with his acne and shyness), which means that he's older, but he's not old enough to support me for the rest of our life together. Not that I need support, but I don't want to have to pay the bill when he comes up short because his last gig was canceled.
He lives near me, but in a better part of the neighborhood, so the move won't be far. His shyness is a littler unsettling because if he doesn't like theater, we may always have little to talk about. And when we do talk it will be strange and always like the first date. Which could be fun, but also a problem.
Then there is the issue off sex. I don't know how musicians work, but he seems shy enough that he probably hasn't been with that many men. He looks completely monogamous. Which is VERY sweet, but am I ready for that? Maybe I can break his old fashioned ways and "corrupt" him slightly, you know, so things will have a little spice in them!
When he finishes his Grad, and if he makes it big. Perhaps performing for the NY Philharmonic, I will be the Viola player's partner, probably not going to be famous. So can I handle always being in the background? All those concert premieres? Taking care of the house and making sure his tux is cleaned for a show? Will I be like Laura Brown and just crack one day and run away to Canada?
Time would tell I suppose.
So after several days, and not asking for his number, since we had JUST met. I left it to fate. If I meet this boy again, he is worthy of looking into. At the advice of a friend I looked him up on Only to discover something that changed my whole perspective. He's not 25, but in fact he's 34! Which means he's the perfect age for me! I knew his skin looked older!
So I regretted not getting his number. I figured it would amount to nothing and quickly turned our meeting into a delightful little anecdote. So cut to Thursday and I am in my drafting class telling my friends about our meeting and laughing about it. Making jokes that he is my lover...
20 minutes later...
He stops by the class room to say hello. How strangely serendipitous! So it's a go. The thing is he is very shy it seems. So it's hard to talk to him, I can't tell if he REALLY is interested in me, or just wants to be friends.
A shocking fact I found out about him last night was he has a Prince Albert. Yea, so that innocence thing about Music Majors, totally wrong I guess. I made a joke about the reason I had 6 piercings and 6 tattoos is because I like to feel pain. I have a high tolerance. He gives me a skeptical look and I wanted to say, "Listen bub! Don't cast that look when you have a piece of metal in your penis!" Agreed?
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