I found these stunning little Erte Letters and had to show them off. He may inspire my next tattoo or something.
The date with the guy I met at the Organic Grocery store went surprisingly well. I think. I knew he was older, and when I tell them of my age I always get mildly pessimistic thinking, "Well now they know I'm just a kid, so of course they're not going to take this seriously anymore." And his shock at my youth compared to his desirable maturity lead me to that belief.
To which he smiled and said, "I'm not sure...25...24? I mean even 23 could be passable."
My eyes grew slightly crossed and I laughed hysterically and said, "This isn't going to be like a band-aid...I'm turning 22." He choked a little and was slightly shocked and then all at once I saw the things I mentioned earlier in the night, click and make sense in his mind.
Of course his age had to come out, I said, "Well you're an architect, you went to grad school. You've been to about 25 countries...Can I feel your face?"
The last part was said as a joke, but I just wanted to feel his face. I guessed 35 and came up correctly. The whole date was surprisingly without much pressure. I laughed, he laughed. The wine tasted good. He knew French and enough about wine to actually know what he was doing while I gave my usual, "3 dollar bottles of wine at Trader Joe's usually suits me." To which he agreed and told me they were good.
I went on a small rant about theater. With wine I had to watch myself completely. I could easily go on and on for hours so I stopped after discussing for three hours. That was a joke.
Then after he paid for dinner. I KNOW! He asked me which train I took and rode with me. We chatted some more, but in the small of my mind I kept thinking. Well this is it, it was nice. He's very handsome and I had a nice time. Perhaps he'll be kind enough like the last guy I went out to dinner with and just never bother at returning my phone calls...Or he'll just lead me on like this last guy and pretend that he wants to continue seeing me...
"So, when am I going to see you again."
Whoa, wait, what?
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