Tuesday, January 29

Musings at night...musings at night

School is underway, no need for alarm. Classes look promising. When will this petty little game of "classes" and discussing them end? I feel like I've been playing this game forever. Hopefully it'll end. I want to at least pretend I'm an adult. How childish to say that...

I love Chess the Danish Cast. After all these years I finally get the full recording of the entire show. How superb! I sort of want to sleep with my People, Power and Politics teacher. He has a touch of the Irish brogue and a beard. He seems like a complete genius. He also isn't making us write any papers and only have tests to do.

The Costume Shop at school will not be getting me as a dresser this semester. It really annoyed me when I went up there and one of the bitchy girls is like, "We were gonna kick you out of the room anyway..." Referring to the fact I signed up to work in the shop. I look at her and go, "Well I have all semester." And she sassy replies, "I wouldn't count on that..."

I turn to her and look her dead in the eye and ask, "Are you being cryptic...what does that even mean?" Like what sort of secret message was she trying to convey?! It's true I was told I had the entire semester and I only need the room once. Then I'm good to go. She just replies, "I mean get your pillow done as soon as possible." I know her point, but why did she have to be such a bitch about it?

This whole situation seems like a scene from Clueless the TV show...

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