Sunday, December 6

Seeing Family

I saw some aunts and cousins last night. We went to a expensive dinner in an overrated restaurant in Time Square. Then we saw In The Heights, which I noticed really failed to impress anyone in my family. I enjoyed it, but I could tell no one was jumping for joy. I think the show was a little to fast moving. Speaking in hip-hop lyrics can get very confusing to a crowd from Upstate. Not to mention the entire vocabulary that is confusing to them because they "no hab-la S-pan-yol". My one aunt, who doesn't prefer crowds made us wait until the entire mezzanine leave before we could get out of our seats. Then when everyone had gone, we walked out and ran into a crowd. "They wanted to rush out! Now we have to wait!"

My family's logic is based on fantastical ideals. Do people actually sit in theaters until everyone has left? As I left them, once again that ONE aunt had to say, "We're so lucky to have your aunt Sue here so we can keep in touch with you." I promptly left on the next R train that came to the station.

Am I the only person in that family. The only one. Who has ever wanted to leave? Is there some kind of curse on my family? Isn't that the typical path for the homo-relative. They leave home and rarely see their family. So I feel a little liberated over the whole thing. Not so much pressure anymore.

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