Wednesday, January 30

The Power of Love

Last night out of nothing better to I put on one of the many DVDs I got from China for basically One American Dollar. It was Romeo+Juliet the Baz Lurhman version. I've never seen the movie fully though, and for that I am slapping my wrists at waiting so long. Sometimes I am glad I waited a while to see certain movies because they make more sense to me now.

The movie is great, I think. The music is amazing, Leo is adorable and Claire is so innocent. The whole idea of it is interesting, and though Shakespeare in normal English does not always flow...

I'm looking at you Dash Mihok...

The movie, like most of Mr. Lurhman's films, just works. This scene in particular really touched my heart and I admit it really made me wish I was in love...

Tuesday, January 29

Musings at night...musings at night

School is underway, no need for alarm. Classes look promising. When will this petty little game of "classes" and discussing them end? I feel like I've been playing this game forever. Hopefully it'll end. I want to at least pretend I'm an adult. How childish to say that...

I love Chess the Danish Cast. After all these years I finally get the full recording of the entire show. How superb! I sort of want to sleep with my People, Power and Politics teacher. He has a touch of the Irish brogue and a beard. He seems like a complete genius. He also isn't making us write any papers and only have tests to do.

The Costume Shop at school will not be getting me as a dresser this semester. It really annoyed me when I went up there and one of the bitchy girls is like, "We were gonna kick you out of the room anyway..." Referring to the fact I signed up to work in the shop. I look at her and go, "Well I have all semester." And she sassy replies, "I wouldn't count on that..."

I turn to her and look her dead in the eye and ask, "Are you being cryptic...what does that even mean?" Like what sort of secret message was she trying to convey?! It's true I was told I had the entire semester and I only need the room once. Then I'm good to go. She just replies, "I mean get your pillow done as soon as possible." I know her point, but why did she have to be such a bitch about it?

This whole situation seems like a scene from Clueless the TV show...

Monday, January 28

Back to School...again

I'm sitting before I go to school enjoy my last moments of having absolutely nothing to worry about. As we know, these feelings will all be gone in a couple of days. Not that I am not completely without worry, but it only gets worse from here on in. Worse is the wrong choice of words, intense is a more appropriate way of putting it. From here on in it only gets more intense.

That works.

In China I have learned several things:
First being that I don't need to wear product in my hair everyday or ever again for that matter. Anyone who has seen my photos from China will notice that. This was also put to the test when I went out to a gay bar/club on Saturday. I immediately felt naked as I noticed all the other gay men who has places wax, glue or gel on their heads. Then I realized, do you even need to try that hard? It's just hair, your hair looks fine without molding as it did with it! So I think without gel it shall be.

Second, that I can get anywhere if I put my mind to it. I got to China and that means I can also get internships and new theatrical jobs. I swallow, for I know it will be exhausting, but I can surely do it. Once again, correction. I WILL do it. I just need to keep my spirits up and push, push, push.

I will not be that girl stuck at home in the burbs.

Third, I will FINISH the God Damned Patti LuPone Pillow because a procrastinator I am not! In China, I was the only one who really ever was ahead of their workload. I spent to many nights walking from room to room watching people freak out. While I could: drink wine or watch a DVD. It was one of the only times I felt utterly relaxed. Imagine that, being trapped in a foreign country with nothing familiar to you. And I feel relaxed. Strange bedfellows, strange bedfellows.

Sunday, January 27

Happy Day

I guess we should start with an epilogue to China. The ins and outs resolved and explained fully. China will forever remain in my mind. It was a long journey. A month was almost (and I say almost) a little more than I bargained for. I hung out with straight men for a majority of the trip. That experience alone is made for it's own intercultural studies.

With the trip complete, of course that means back to real life, right? Correct. What does that entail? We shall find out. First off, my first moments home was spent with The Tall Man. Two days I spent in his arms, kissing, hugging, cuddling. Anything you can think of. We saw Cloverfield together and slept until noon.

Due to my past experiences I should not feel smitten. I should take it at face value, then why does face value feel like attraction to me. Granted we are both sexually, very sexually, attracted to each other. The constant kissing, the hugging, the touching. It's puppy love, right?

That aside, I cannot keep focusing on it. Regardless of how clear it's already been stated, I am highly attracted to this man. I am also a small fool as I always feel with my heart and not my mind. We will let things develop and continue as they are bound to be developing soon.

While in the company of The Tall Man...

Work called. Which brings me to the next item in my mind, quitting. I will be telling them May 1st, I am thru. When my boss surprised me with a call asking me, "Are you back? How was it?" I rambled on a bit thinking, "That's sweet...they care." Which was immediately replaced with utter silliness when they asked me to come into work this Sunday...

I've been home for less than a day really and you're already playing this game?

So I will tell them, Wednesday. The Tall Man laughed at me and for a moment and tried to tell me I was making a wrong choice in leaving it. I almost cracked. It's a good idea, that's all. No discussion, none at all. Therapy has helped me with the justification of my issues.

Then I saw Happy Days at BAM. After reading it, I was amazed even more by Beckett. Then I saw this production and it's become one of my all time favorite plays. So well done. Fiona Shaw was phenomenal. How a head in sand could draw my direct attention is beyond me. Bravo, Beckett and brava, Fiona.

Friday, January 18

This one was EASY to read

Oh last night I had a dream I came home from China for ONE day and instead of seeing friends or having sex with the guy I am currently sleeping with I somehow decided to GO to work. When I got to work my boss looked at me and said, "You are here for ONE day and you came to WORK?" And I was like OH SHIT! And I couldn't leave cause I punched in and they saw me. So I was contemplating quitting.

In's time to quit.

Thursday, January 17

A Faggot Grows China – Part Ten

Paying my dues. Paying my dues. I wonder what will happen now. China is almost done. One final to finish tomorrow and then I'm through. Tonight is going to be a quiet night after last night. I only have to much time so I shall explain.

We went out to a Chinese club last night. I did not blackout, which is grand for me. After many shots of Vodka, dancing dirty with sexy girls. To top it off, I drank myself into a courageous state and thought I saw a gay couple. Of course they flirted and were all fun. I thought it would be fun to dance with another guy. They of course were just European and it just fucked up my Gaydar. Then at one point to make the straight people really have a ball I took off my shirt.

Now I think I have a decent body. I've been told I have a decent body. I mean I'm not perfect. Guys I'm not going to get into this, we've already discussed this repeatedly. Regardless I was courageous enough to be vocal and smiley until the straightest of my male companions tells me, "Dude you have love handles." To which I started to scream and rant.

For that is what I am known for, is it not?

Side note: I am in love with Pink Floyd, why haven't I fallen in love with them sooner? Why?

So I was angry, I don't have love handles. Maybe the lack of gym and the eating has caused that, but after looking in the mirror this evening. I had to FIGHT my old disorders and self image problems because of one assholes words. It's funny because that's all it takes. It angers me so. I will never be perfect, even if I try as hard as I do. Yet, I'll be imperfect in my own special way.

We called it a night at about 3 am. As usual it was my call. Why do I end the night? I seem to be the referee nowadays. We returned to the hotel to find a light on in the room across from ours. The party continues, we figured! When we arrived we found one of our travel mates, drunk as a DOG. A DOG! The head professor, other teachers, students and the bellman with a luggage trolley in the room. There was concern and such and talk of hospitalization.

He was passed out and soon enough he threw up. I being the nurturer and tortured soul jumped to help. No exaggeration. Everyone else kind of jumped back. I of my own volition, I said I would spend the night watching him to make sure he was not going to get into any worse state than he already was. It wasn't me trying to suck up, I just had to. I remembered this New Years and new I had to do my part. I was secretly counting my blessing for not getting caught this way. I would be humiliated. I just stayed in his room and slept on the little fainting couch near the bed.

What makes me realize I'm in such a straight dominated area is how when people find this out. It's not my deed that goes recognized, it's the fact that the FAGGOT spent the night with the drunk guy. Even when he woke up he gave me a confused look, I knew what was going through his head. This is also other people's first responses.

How far we don't come. How far we'll never get.

Tuesday, January 15

A Faggot Grows China – Part Nine

The DVDs alone has made the trip to China so memorable. I mean more important things have happened. Like The Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors, Hong Kong, Dim Sum, Chinese friends and many other things. I've been sleeping weird though, having to take Melatonin to rest my head.

Therefore my dreams have been wacky. I had a strange sexual dream last night, which left me rather aroused and bothered. I had a dream that was very Hostel-esque, people getting ripped apart. I then went to bed again after waking with a start, I dreamt I was drowning and needed to take a breath. I knew I was asleep and I knew if I didn't wake up I would stop breathing in my sleep.

I'm watching To Die For, a movie that once created a lot of drama in my family. When I was say, 14 years old and my cousin was 12/13. To Die For was on HBO and my cousin told me that his mother said it was okay for him to watch it. So we did. This movie is utterly brilliant. Nicole Kidman isn't over acting, she is acting correctly. Suzanne is cheap and fake. Ms. Kidman captures it.

I digress. The script isn't great, but it's written like a trashy TV Drama, which is why it's so good. We watched it and a few days later my cousin told his mother. She came over with him and "reprimanded" my mother for allowing me and her child to watch a movie with sexual issues and murder.

My mother was livid. Livid. I remember sitting in the living room with my cousin, trying to ignore my mother's screams and shouts. You see, my cousins family life was nothing to this movie. The thing is because of that event, I wrote off this movie for years and years. In my mind is was trashy and not worth my time. Which is a lie. It's more than that. I would love to see if a musical would work out. If it does I'll be jealous, because it's a smart idea. I am against movie musicals, as we should know. I am for movies that are not deemed as good, made into fun musicals. Like Xanadu.

This is one of those cases...

DVD Galore in China

I have went to town in China on the DVDs. I bought well over 20 movies, not to mention four complete seasons of TV shows like Will and Grace, Oz, Queer as Folk and Six Feet Under in my two visits to the DVD store and all for about 40 bucks. I am one happy guy right now. So many movies and I can't wait to get home and watch them. If they work on my DVD player I'll be even happier. Right now they work fine on my computer so that's enough to put my soul at ease.

Monday, January 14

A Faggot Grows China – Part Eight

Is my blogging style just a bunch of fluff? Does it really matter? I swear to you by the grace of God that I usually start writing on here with a message in mind. I read through other peoples blogs. Those people who are more goal oriented . They read an article and present the idea that the article inspired them to write. They present statistics from the blog.

I sit here reading and smile and always thinking the same thing. "I wish I could do that!" I then tell myself next time I write in here I will write a goal oriented blog entry. One would believe that in 7 years of blogging I'd have picked up that talent yet. Wouldn't I? Then I read back entries and see that no, I haven't. My attention span, that lasts longer than the life of a fruit fly, but less than that of a 6 year old.

Patti LuPone seems to inspire gushing. Musicals seem to inspire thought. Female singers tend to bring up emotions. Books tend to inspire inner-thoughts. What does Audra McDonald inspire? She's both female songstress and musical queen? Emotional thoughts? Here we go again veering off the track of thought. What was my point again? This always happens, three paragraphs or so in.

Regardless, I will always forget my thoughts. I'm in China and I'm longing for Brooklyn. I'm longing for my life again. I'm lonely for homosexual thoughts. Hanging out with straight people takes energy. Lots of energy. Hanging out with women who would never qualify as fag hags. That doesn't take energy, it takes patience...lots and lots of patience.

Actaully, I'd much rather slap a lot of them. I know that may sound faggy and self centered. Yet, it's not cause their not gushing over me. No, that's not true. I can happily say everyone on this trip loves me. Asian girls, straight men, white, black, Dominican...whatever your race. You can't escape my quips and laughter. I'll get you sooner or later.

It doesn't necessarily mean I like you. It means that I'll put up with you. After three weeks I am letting it slip. Last night I openly discussed my dislike for some people on this trip in front of people who could easily use it against me. Then I realized, I didn't care. If they wished to hate me. Then hate me. I'll still smile and treat you nicely.

I call it like it is. Yes, I find it annoying you refuse to learn to use chopsticks even though we're in China. Yes, I find it obnoxious that you openly release your rude opinion about me. No, I will not stand there and accept that sort of behavior. I'm passive, I agree. I'm an awful person, I guess I agree that as well. I'm sexually frustrated...which someday will be fixed I am sure.

Hello, China. I have 50,000 dollars you'll spend on my temporary insurance that says you'll spend to get me out of this country if I need to...I'm ready to cash in.

Sunday, January 13

Because even in China...

My love for Patti doesn't cease. I may be 13 hours ahead, but it only means I'll get the information sooner...

Now on a lighter note.

Funny, it's the final ten days of China and people are dropping off like flies. The older people are all dropping off, paying extra to go home early. Which I was tempted to do for ten seconds. Then I realized my chances of going to China ever again are super rare and well. I can suffer through a few more days.

I miss the Tall Man I admit. He's responding well to my random emails that often involve me saying hello and how much I can't wait to be naked with him. I am not thinking about it really, I really enjoy his presence. Yet, in the back of my mind this works. I get a little nervous that it's just going to be The Gentleman Caller all over again. We don't want that, now do we? As long as the Tall Man wants to continue what has been going on like when I left. I only see positive things happening.

I am glad I haven't gained much weight on this trip, despite the eating I've been doing. I can't wait to return to the gym. I brought my running shoes with the all intensive purposes of running daily here. Yet, the cold weather and the amount of events that have been happening have left me saying. One month is one month. I have enough time to run and lose any of the weight I gained when I return to my gym membership.

Speaking of which, I am trying to figure out what is going to happen when I am Independent of my parents...very, very shortly...Then I become an adult...

Okay, Melatonin is kicking in...getting sleepy...

Saturday, January 12

A Faggot Grows China – Part Seven

Colder and colder the weather grows. Day by day. When we arrived it was beautiful. When I returned from Hong Kong is was foggy. Now it's freezing. Tomorrow it's supposed to be colder. I miss Brooklyn. Everyone wants to stay, but I'd rather continue on with my life.

I have an issue of living my life to the moment. It's normal for people to do this, so I shouldn't feel awkward. Yet, I feel weird. Growing up it was always about getting to the moment. All of school was getting to graduation. Then life became about getting into college. When I decided about Art School it was all about getting a portfolio and getting in there. Then at Pratt it was about doing the best I could in my foundation year to get into my major the next. Then in my sophomore year it was about getting into a new school and the process started all over again.

Last year it was all about survival. It was about getting to New Orleans, it was about finishing out the year. It was about GETTING TO CHINA! And soon China is done. Then what? That's the questions I am trying to answer. China is amazing to experience. It was truly and eye opener. Yet in 2008 I want to figure it out. It's time to work it out, start the game of life.

I feel like this has been one last hurrah. People seems so young here. All school and foolishness. Granted I am foolish at times too, but some of the students here have such weird naive ambitions. Like some girl (whom I am not too fond of, but will be used for this example) is going to school for Finance. Her goal though is to join the Ms. Chinese American pageant and then "break through into acting" and if her DREAM is not fulfilled she'll go back to Finances.


It's great to be ambitious, but seriously? Especially someone who is going to school for theater, I see people working their asses off who aren't even good. You're telling me you're just going to pick it up? It's like what I used to dream.

Anyway, I am just ranting. I suffered from insomnia last night, so I'm a little loopy right now. I just know when I get home, life starts. It starts with me giving work the word that I am leaving...I can do this, I will do this. Then I look into registering for summer classes and looking into a summer loan. Possibly an internship and even better a job in theater! It will all someday come together...when I return to Brooklyn!

Friday, January 11

Sometimes I wonder...

A gray and rainy day in China and I'm in room finishing up all my homework. Taking a small mental break and catching up on my musicals...

In 1981 a show called Merrily We Roll Along ran for two weeks and then closed to scathing reviews. The book, it was the books fault. It was too confusing. The music is brilliant of course because it's by Sondheim, and to this I agree! I couldn't agree anymore. It's weird because it's about Franklin Shepard, so for all the years I have been listening to it I always kept in my mind, "This is Franklin's music."

Not until this moment, when I finally got to see the bootleg of Merrily, that I'll admit DOES skip the opening Act II number. I find this show absolutely fascinating. I remember when I was 15, using the Elliptical machine and listening to this recording and trying to figure out what happened in between each song. The CD was so short. As I got older I read how the fault was the book. So I expected it to be horrendous, but it hardly was. I know over the years they have revamped the show, but so say that the show is too confusing is just plain stupid. It's like saying Days Of Our Lives is too confusing because there's too much going on.

The story moves backwards, starts from the end and movies to the beginning. Showing how a good thing can go so wrong. How refreshing to see. Why are shows like this not embraced? I am going to watch the Kennedy Center performance to see how it's changed from it's premiere in 1981 to the 2000s.

It's probably one of my favorite Sondheim scores. That's a lie, but it's one of my top picks. Surprisingly, though my favorite song from the show is Bobby and Jackie and Jack. It's so clever, the words he rhymes are so intense. True, it's a charm song, yet that's the point. It's Franklin and Charlie's first show. A Musical Revue. Showing the brilliant music and lyrics, but the simplicity of the talent. Stunning.

Now for the bad. I admit the costumes are a strange idea. Why did they choose the sweaters with the titles? Did they not trust the audience? They took that bit of advice, didn't they? Moving backwards is too difficult for a Broadway tourist audience to understand. They need shirts with titles. Yet, Gussies top in act title. Why not? Why does Mary have to wear a Best Friend Sweater the entire show, granted she's in almost every scene. Never changing.

Hal Prince is also recycling. Which is normal of directors. I see the group movement that I saw from Evita, that I watched last night. By the way, while we are on the subject. It may not have been a great recording, but WOW. That was a show to remember.

Seeing it just blew me away. Patti is amazing. Let's get that out of the way, shall we? Patti is amazing, I'll say for a second time. My favorite non-Patti moment was probably The Art of the Possible, where the Commanders of Argentina took each other out in a rousing version of musical chairs. I never pictured it that way, but the simplicity of it, though it may sound stupid was brilliant.

Some of my favorite moments that involved Patti were in no particular order:
  • Goodnight and Thank You. Where Eva works her way up to the top and the scene is played out with a revolving door. Every time Patti is shown, she gets more and more glamorous.
  • I'd Be Surprisingly Good For You. Where Eva meets Peron and she says, "I don't normally rush in this way...fifteen minutes after saying hello." She looks directly at the audience and they eat it up!
  • A New Argentina. "I'll...You'll be handed power on a plate..."
  • Don't Cry For Me Argentina. All of that song is amazing. Her dress, her voice, her acting. In watching it I could see the Tony Committee shaking hands on a job well done.
  • Rainbow High/Rainbow Tour. She looks fabulous, even in shitty VHS recording.
That's enough, back to homework and perhaps a little discovering of the city...shall we?

Thursday, January 10

A Faggot Grows China - Part Six

So, The War of The Worlds - The Musical...I kid you not. If you've ever heard it, you'll understand when I say it's insane. Picture a recording of The War of the Worlds, but as a musical. It's absolutely disturbing. It's not meant to be performed, it's just meant to be a recording. It's similar to the movie with Tom Cruise, as far as story goes. Added with some really trippy music in the background. I cannot wait to get home, get stoned and listen so this amazingness. Now, that is sounds weird enough, let me tell you, the remix album is even better. Yes, there is a remix album. I found Hong Kong.

I also found Some Like It Hot, the musical. Song and Dance starring Sarah Brightman. Which most people will find it odd to know I own 4 versions of Song and Dance, Ms. Webb, Ms. Peters, Ms. Buckley and Ms. Brightman. I find it amazing that I own that many!

I thought I'd take a break about China, so indulge me. Lastly, I bought and album called Elaine Paige – Stages. This one makes me laugh because it's Elaine singing what she chooses. Like One Night Only and Be On Your Own. What's amazing about Be On Your Own is it's all upbeat and pop music. It's perplexing.

Tuesday, January 8

A Faggot Grows China - Part Five

Hong Kong was memorable beyond belief! What an amazing city, expensive, though amazing. For the first time on this trip I really spent money. I finally accomplished my goal of finding musicals that don't get sold in the states. Due to currency exchanges though for five CDs I paid about 800 Hong Kong dollars, versus like 150 in America. It was well worth it though.

We also traveled by cable car to the Giant Buddha in the mountains, which truly was enlightening to the mind and soul. To top that I went to the Temple of 10,000 Buddhas. I am inspired with the iconic Buddha. Him vs. the Madonna are neck and neck. There were more than 10,000 Buddhas at this temple though, approximately 15,000.

We ate Dim Sum, at a confusing but delicious historic restaurant. We also had some amazing Sushi at a cheap place, though I spent a lot. It was well worth it. The Salmon Mango rolls were to die for!

We saw the Hong Kong Light Show, where 33 Buildings on two islands light up daily at 8, for a somewhat uninspiring display of light works. Though it's nice to see a city to well designed that waterfront buildings can do that. We topped off the trip with a journey up to Victoria's Peak to watch the sun (almost) set behind some clouds and get some wonderful pictures! We had to take a tram that literally tilted 45 degrees to 80 degrees on the trip up. In my head I was singing The Trolley Song ALL the way!

I played the Tour Guide of this city, thanks to my Lonely Planet Guide. The map was a bit dated, and in less than a year they have built like 3 new subway lines. But the facts got us many places and I was the one reading the map and leading a group of 9-12 people at one time. I rocked that job. It's a thankless job I admit. Yet, I did it.

I want to buy a Lonely Planet Guide for New York City and learn the city that way. I am going to do that when I get back to Brooklyn.

I miss Brooklyn...

Saturday, January 5

A Faggot Grows China - Part four

Before I fly off to Hong Kong...once again sounding glamorous. I want to discuss the amazing dinner I had with my Chinese friend, Sprite. It's a nickname, true, but it's an incredible one. I met Sprite at the English center here in Nanjing. He came up to me and cornered me. We discussed things, like how old we were, where we go to school.

He told me he was 22 initially. So I felt drawn to him. This is my first lesson in how age doesn't matter ever. Not that I haven't had that lesson before, seeing that I have older friends and lovers. Later I found out he's 20, but in China some mothers count the year that they CARRY the baby as a year. Plus on the Chinese Calendar there is a second birthday. So he counts himself as 22.

I talked with Sprite and learned he is basically a straight Asian guy. I am a ridiculous gay man. How could we get along? Yet, our different ways meld so well. Then again I have been learning to get along well with those of the straight ways.

Sprite wasn't my partner for the actual event. My partner was Jason...who was a 26 year old Law student...Realtor. He was boring and not fun in the least. Sprite commandeered himself my partner after I said that I didn't enjoy mine.

They encouraged us to meet up and do things in Nanjing. So when Sprite called me yesterday asking to go to dinner, after the day I had with my class. I wasn't all to enthusiastic. Then I met his Chinese friends, especially Jasmin, and some other Americans came. And we accomplished to things. We had a roaring good time with a group of kids from another country and we had the best Chinese food I have tasted so far.

Especially the Potatoes dipped in honey and topped with sprinkles. That were served at scalding temperatures and then you had to dip in water to eat...yes, not lying. Amazing experience.

Wednesday, January 2

The Last Five Years

To interrupt my China posts and because it's midnight in China and I decided to be lazy. I am writing about the bootleg DVD I am watching of The Last Five Years. It's wonderful to finally see it staged. I've only watched the first half. So I'm curious to see where songs intersect.

Norbert Leo Butz is actually REALLY adorable in this show. I see how he won the Tony. He's such a cutie in this this show. Did I just use the word cutie?

In China news:
I am a little homesick. It's because the "vacation" aspect of this trip has ended, yet I still have about 20 days left to live in China. I love China, it has a certain aspects of it I love. Yet, I am a city boy...a Brooklyn Boy, through and through. I feel that I am fitting in well, despite the fact that I cannot speak any of the language.

I know after a few days of getting used to it, I'll feel better. I'm not used to the straight men hanging out so much. Their jokes are different. I've been searching out female attention. Now this is a delicate balance for me. I need someone I can just talk to, not present to. Britt is one of those girls, Elizabeth is one of those girls. Well, it seems they're probably the two girls I can do that with.

I'll keep working at it.

It's funny, how Norbert's character is an asshole. He starts off adorable, but turns into a jerk. Into your typical man, basically. I think this became very apparent to me when his character was thrilled that John Updike is reviewing his book...John Updike...come on people.

Tuesday, January 1

A Faggot Grows China - Part three

I would begin with New Years Eve/Day as that is where I left off, but unfortunately. For the first time in my life I drank too much. I mean TOO much. For the first time in my life I blacked out, which is obviously not a good thing. I am slightly ashamed, luckily my roommate carried me back to my room and put me to bed.

I didn't even celebrate New Years. There's about 2.5 hours of my life that I have no idea where it went. I have a bruise on my back thigh, hmmmm. I don't plan on being that drunk ever again. I am going to slap my wrists and just be happy I'm still alive and with everything intact.

I also paid for it the next day when I was puking for literally 24 hours. Just throwing up constantly, I couldn't keep any food down. We went to some interesting places, but I truly couldn't enjoy them.

Now we are finally in Nanjing, our main city for the trip. We start classes and I'm trying to figure out how it's working, because the teacher is very lax, but I know I need to do the work. I always have troubles adjusting to new settings.

I enjoy the hotel though, and the city seems nice. Once I figure out the laundry and food situation, I'll be a-okay. I am going to try and run in the park tomorrow. We shall see how that goes.

Otherwise, things have been pretty good. Livejournal won't let me in, thanks to China's censoring laws. Actually, I can't see any blogs, all I can do is post.

Before class I am going to look for gay bars in Nanjing and Hong Kong...I need to go at least once.