Sunday, May 17

Who Out There Could Love You More Than I?

More working on the Film Short. I was an extra today and my sunburn from yesterday was very prevalent to the human eye.

The straight girls on this film love me. It's what I know I'm good with that I do, actors love me and my supervisors enjoy me. Now it's time to start getting paid for this work.

I went to Gaymer Birthday party. After finishing The Velvet Rage, I couldn't help but notice the room was full of people who were just like it was described. From the 19-year-old meth addict, who was sweet but in stage 2. To the sassy guy who argued with me about my tattoos. Oh it's like being a prophet. Only I can see the truth.

Then there was the moment where in their lack of conversation they would look to me. Cause I can always keep a conversation going. I looked back and said, "I have nothing to entertain you with right now." It made everyone stand there silently, and I felt okay with that.

I had loving friends there though, so that was worth it.

Tomorrow is my Philosophies of China and India final. This is not thrilling, since I've hardly studied. We shall see. I can't fail, I can only pass. Failing isn't written in the prophecy.

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