Wednesday, April 1

A Closed Letter

Dear ShyGuy,

I know you hit a low point in your life and I respect that. I am upset regardless. You lied to me twice and as a result have blown me off twice so you could do things you yourself know you should not be doing.

On all the days of the year when I needed someone to be with me. This was the day you decided to reveal what you've done. In a way it helps because I realize I am in a much saner place than I was last year. Yet, I still wept for you and myself.

I want to be there for you, but I feel hurt and let down by this all. I hope you are able to get your act turned around, but I don't know if I have the strength to deal with it. I am sorry.


1 comment:

Noah Champion said...

Whenever people lead us down a path of expectation eventually resulting in disappointment there's a point at which we realize that we just have to ride it out.

It seems as though you've been on this ride for quite some time.

Know that you deserve better.