Saturday, January 31

These Scarlett O'Hara Days

I am not a prophet nor am I fully a pessimist anymore. Yet, I have a feeling Harring's time in my life is done. It upset me earlier this week. The reason not being love sickness, but feeling manipulated.

I still feel like I've been lead on. I'm getting over the fact that this unfortunately was the case. I want to call, but I don't even feel like it's worth it. I have put my effort into it and I'm still baffled by how it all changed.

My prime example being that Harring apparently wrote a letter to my friend thanking him for "bringing Iguana to New Years and into his life." Something along those lines. I was touched when I heard that, which in turn helped promote investing in hoping it turned into something when he returned. Silly me.

Like a newlywed who has to hear of her husband's death on the battlefield. Never really getting a chance to know the man she wanted to love. I will wear black for a few weeks [hours] and then give up my wedding band for metal collection.

After that, I will begin again. . .

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