Wednesday, December 13

Iguana Must Move On

I need to take a new lover.

I am getting stress from my present one. Last night we had a long discussion about sex and the pros and cons of it. I find having sex with no REAL strings attached (as is the case with my current Gentleman Caller) really just ruins the idea of sex in general.

I used to hold sex as a sacred thing, that came when you felt something for someone. Now it's just a diversion, a thing to do on a Saturday afternoon. I mean this Friday I have plans to go to my Gentleman Caller's intentionally to have sex. Not for dinner, not for discussion (though sometimes those things DO happen), but for sex first before all else.

However, as vile as my soul may be I am keeping him close pure for the reason of when I have to move this spring, he will be an excellent resource to helping me out.

I lie that's not the PURE reason I am keeping him close. He has many redeeming features as Gentlemen Callers do. He's sexy, smart and funny. It's just a grim reminder that even stable men just view me as a sex object most of the time. Yet I always return into their arms.

Listening to the Flop musical Chess has SEVERAL songs that sing true to me life. A Tattoo from the show is very much in order.

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