Sunday, March 8

Cover All The Mirrors

The movie is through [If they had been paying me, I'd be sad]. I'm jobless [but looking]. I'm losing my health insurance [but trying to find a new one]. I am having problems with filing graduation [but speaking to the powers that be so I will graduate]. I am running out of Ambien [but that may be a good thing]. I did my taxes and owe $705 between Fed and State [but I'm not filing them until I know my way out of that one].

Basically I know what my list of things to do is. I just need to stay motivated and positive to do them.

I want a hug, a long hard hug that's filled with care and concern. That's all I ask for.


the bud cracked said...

cyber hug! you put it out there, it will be resolved

Noah Champion said...

Not to put myself on airs or anything, but I've been told I give the best hugs anyone has ever experienced.

Think Mother Earth plus Thai Silk.

I owe you a big one.