Friday, May 25

Iguana Loves These Days

We called it. Xanadu.

Tonight the Broadway musical version of it will be seen and I can die a happy theatre faggot. Even if it's awful, I shall still enjoy the experience of it I am sure. Seeing as I watch the movie (except for The Year of Magical Thinking) 5 to 6 times a year. Well the stunning musical numbers really.

That's what drinking before a show is for. It shall make it much more fun I am almost sure of it.

This is how I felt when I finished my finals:

I can feel summer coming in close. The week of work has been nice and quiet because of the holiday and it's just what I wanted after finals. No doubt it will get much worse once the long weekend is complete. That aside though I will enjoy it while it lasts.

Moving has left me slightly nervous thanks to my over-active imagination. I keep thinking back to my Blanche complex. How in Streetcar Named Desire at the end of Act I, Blanche is happy. Then things go wrong and she loses her grip on reality and then goes insane. That's what I'm nervous about, I have 8 days until I move and I feel so much could go wrong in 8 days. I'm not terrified and I'm going to enjoy myself and feel that feeling I haven't felt in a year...

Anticipated happiness.

I'm also going to try and play video games again. Once I move that is. I'm thinking FFXII, but it's been so long. I may pick up God of War II since it's supposed to be great. Plus the new Pokemon game for DS has come out. Too many choices...

I'm going to research...

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