Sunday, May 6

Iguana's Hot Stuff Update

In a strange turn of events something weird happened. Something I didn't foresee...

Well let me start at the beginning. So as I last told you the Viola player and I saw each other again. He casually, almost nonchalantly, invited me to see his two dogs after the show today. He apparently is a big Dog person and loves his two dogs very much. Does this mean he hasn't been dating much? Perhaps?

So the show went on and I found a possible apartment, which seemed so promising, and turned out to be a complete and utter bust. It was a nice place, but I'd have to pay the same rent (if not more) that I pay now and it's sort of a dirty space and it would be leased month to month, and I don't want that! Thank God these questions were answered before I totally agreed. I digress.

On the train ride to the place who sits down next to me but, the Viola player. I know! We chat and I ask him if he is still up for meeting after I see this place, he says no problem.

The apartment goes by, etc. Life sucks in that aspect, but I'll live.

So I meet up with him. Now I don't necessarily know what this is. A date, a meeting, really a chance to just see his dogs. Next thing I know he invites me to get something to eat. A simple dinner turned into a long walk to Park Slope and a nice conversation.

He's very sweet.

So we return back to his place and I want to crawl under a rock and die, but I had my word vomit. Where I told him about my unlucky year. He sort of asked and I couldn't help it! So I felt stupid inside, thinking, "Oh Jesus he now thinks I'm a freak with issues." So I tell him I'm gonna head out and to my utter surprise...

We kissed.

What? I didn't see that coming, honestly. He regarded me more as a friend I thought...Plus I made a fool of myself only minutes before. I was mortified and he kissed me, like KISSED me goodnight.

I was wobbly. I got on the wrong train going in the opposite direction.

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