Saturday, May 12

Iguana Takes his Meds

I am going to sound so bipolar. Every other day I am depressed and complaining about something. Then the next day things are swell, then the next day things suck again.

Today is sort of a good day. Well yesterday was, but I'm counting today since it's today and yesterday was yesterday.

Moving along. I really don't want to talk about things for sure cause I'm afraid I'll jinx them as I always do! So I'll give you the gist of it and you can wait for full explanations later.

  1. I have an internship! A casting intern (and perhaps other things) on pretty big movie sequel!!
  2. I may have found an apartment. That's all on that one since if I talk further I WILL jinx it.
  3. School's almost over/plays almost done/semester is through. I will so be doing the summer thing, not like some of my friends who want to graduate as quickly as possible and are taking summer classes. I am not this summer. I don't have the heart to do it.
  4. Another boy in my school thinks I'm cute. What is this sudden arrival of all the guys who think I'm cute and want to talk to me. I feel sometimes I should be a statue because people find me so pleasing to the eye, but the moment I talk I seem to scare them off. My friend says, "It's okay to let out all those aspects of your life to the relationship DEVELOPS!! On your first date no mention of staph, scabies, crack den or your whorish past." I agree, but for me it seems easier said than done. So we shall see where this one goes...who knows nowadays.
  5. I got the best musical EVER!!! It's called I'm Getting My Act Together and Taking it on the Road. I know what a title right? Well it's so fucking good. Betty Buckley apparently did it at one point in her career and what would I give to get a copy of that? I would give a lot. It's about a woman who is a performer and is turning 39 and she's trying to create a new act. So it's just songs from it. The opening number and the final number are astounding to me. I have been listening to Happy Birthday, over and over again!
That is all for now, who knows what tomorrow brings....

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