Wednesday, May 16

Iguana's Moon for the Misbegotten

365 days (yesterday). One year. 8,760 hours. Really not matter how you put it, yesterday was the mark of one year.

I have be living in the city, well existing is more like it. Tomorrow marks the last day of classes. It's like markers of my life are coming at me both left and right.

I also found out yesterday that my living situation may have finally taken a turn for the much better. Which lead my to breath a sigh of relief seeing as my Internet in my apartment have been VERY shitty.

"The bill is paid" Quoth my scummy landlord. YEA BULLSHIT. Is how I respond in my mind. I've been stealing off of some illegal connection that goes in and out every couple of minutes. It's not fun, trust me.

Also the gross sandy (possibly fecal matter, but it doesn't smell like that) leak has been coming out of the bottom of the toilet. Then the cockroaches have been getting larger. Apparently, my French roommate (did I mention I live in the United Nations practically) has no caught on seeing as he's leaving food out in the open constantly.

I refuse to speak more of the living situation cause I have learned that things like this are fleeting and I'm very superstitious about it all. If I talk to much it may disappear like many of the other places I've been interested in. So let's leave it as such. I will be sure to talk about it, the day I move in.

I have moved 4 times in the last year...4 times. How many people have moved 4 times in their life? I haven't been able to acquire large possessions because I never know when I am moving again. Not to mention for the last seven months I've been eating trail mix and dried fruit. Oh to actually food shop again will be amazing!

Oh I'm getting ahead of myself.

Also it looks like I'm on the verge of being in a relationship of some kind. Once again I'm not really going to get into. It's a guy that I've probably mentioned before. He's older but has a childish personality, he seems to like me. I like him too. It's just strange, it's actually very comforting. For the first time in a while have I met someone who talks almost as much as me. It's pleasant and comforting in it's own special way.

That's all for now. I felt I deserved a nice entry for a second.

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