Tuesday, May 1

Iguana Is Nearing The End...

Why do I always feel horny nowadays? It's like with the Spring comes my sexual side. OY. I feel like I can't control it. It won't be good for my dating life...But the guy I am seeing is very sweet and nice. So I may keep it inside.

"I was in love with a man, big time! And that time of my life was not a good time."

So much work, so little time. It's almost like my teachers are TRYING to promote that mental breakdown I'm almost having. Today I find out that I have to write an 8 page paper for my Acting class, amongst doing the scene with my emotionless partner. My emotionless JEWISH partner. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But she's not allowed to wear pants EVER. What? Oh and that 8 page paper BULLSHIT I find out is due...May 8th. Well suck my cock you talentless Lesbian (she really is a Lesbian and I feel she's talentless, she has a generic last name and therefore cannot be google'd) but I finished like 5 of the pages today!

"So I ran, bought a pair of sneakers and ran..."

The Comedy of Errors is TIGHT! The show is only an hour and thirty minutes with no intermission and it ZOOMS by. The costumes are REALLY beautiful. Very Oriental in design. I wish I had a picture of the leads costumes. It's beautiful. I can't wait for it to be over though, I really can't. Then that means one week of hell and I'm done...well sort of. I'd much rather not discuss it, okay?

"If you're hating your life, big time! Then you gotta take steps to have a good time..."

I want it to end, school is destroying me. Something fun happened the other day. I got hit on by another student at my school. It was this awkward circling in, we both made eye contact and kept walking in circles and smiling at one another. Finally I said hello and it was so awkward cause I don't think either of us thought we'd do it. Then I went to facebook and found him, he's 34, I love him MORE now.

"Now I love myself! And everybody can, all because I ran..."

Speaking of love and relationships. I'm still seeing that guy I've been dating. He was on business last week, and now I start my play week so I'm not free until night time. However, I like to sleep in his arms. He wants to take me to Florida in June. I feel awful because I have NEVER had a man offer to take me anywhere. Plus I'm not good at talking about the future in any sense of the term.

Questions like, "What do you plan to do with your life?" Or, "Would you like to go to Mexico next spring break?" Put me into silence and sometimes make me very tense. Like he mentions Florida in June, that's a month away. Barely. Last night he says, "So I was looking at prices to fly to _______(I forget the place we'd fly to) and then rent a car and drive to Miami..." And I just walked next to him and said softly, "That sounds like it would be a fun time." I can't even bring myself to say, "That sounds great! I can't wait!" Because I've never done something like that and never expect to.

It's foolish really, REALLY foolish. I hate the idea of him thinking I'm taking advantage of him or something. Oh goodness my head is to filled to process this.

But now I REALLY wanna go to Florida.

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