Tuesday, June 10

I Am Trying...

So something came over me the last week or so. It was a feeling to not inform. To not let people know what is going on with me. It's also adjusting to the 9-5 schedule too. I feel like there's no more time in the day.

The gym is more difficult to go to at 6 am, when people always want to do things that go past 11 PM and you don't get home until midnight or later. Writing is difficult too, mornings when I would normally update are now filled with interning things. I've gotten some swell things out of it though. Free things. Like books and tumblers.

Then there is moving. Which luckily has been postponed until the end of July. As originally planned! That's a plus my friends. A big plus. Finding the place and such isn't as easy. I want to find a lease this time and with my friend by my side, we will.

I tend to feel like people expect me to be better because it's been sometime since things have come to pass.

Said even that happened in February has passed. It's now June. Move on.

Huh? Life isn't like a TV show where it's contained into small episodes. Once the 30 minutes is through you move on to the next issue.

You're only 22. You have so much more life to experience. So don't dwell on it.

Who? I do honestly believe there was a small difference in what you were experience when you were 22, than what I am going through now. I'm being selfish of course. When you were hyperventilating over a C- in Biology. How could I ever not see that as a crisis?

I thought a trip to Fire Island would suddenly relieve all my issues. How silly of me. It only showed me how some people are so comfortable in their lives they can go to Fire Island every weekend. Those people aren't me. They are the people I don't even see on this island.

Now the question at hand is:
Is their life the real thing?
Is mine?
I'm sure that's an objective question. All I do know is despite all my trials one day some 20-year-old boy will look at me that way. And when he does, I may not even remember this thought I'm having right now.

Granted I live to 30.

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