Sunday, November 11

Notes on a Scandal

  • Broadway is on Strike...this means two things for me, either the end of the world is coming or I need to get a new hobby for the time being. I am guessing the latter. Thank God I'm so sophisticated that I still have off, off-off, local and cabaret theater to attend. Like tonight, I'm seeing Yank! The Musical at the Gallery Players in Park Slope. In the words of Bea Arthur, "Nobody is gonna rain on my..."
  • I am almost finished with my play. This is good news as the show stunk and was extremely boring. And the three leads were all divas. I mean they were nice and all, but when an actor gets on their thesis role, they change. Oh God do they change.
  • I think I had sex with a serial killer. No more need be said, except that yes I have sort of returned to sex. And the inaugural performance was with a guy who couldn't look me in the eyes, yet was bold as anyone. He was very controlling, yet incredibly shy. He made small talk while sucking my cock. Look for my new book, "Now I survived a Serial Fucking."
Yes, I have returned. Here she is boys!
  • I watched Contact, best musical of 1999. It was enjoyable and original, yet a little contrived. Wonderful to see though. I enjoyed the first and second part, the third had some good dances, but it dragged a little. Except Charlotte D'Amboise as the Wife...I'm still convinced either it was her choice or the character is supposed to be otherwise engaged.
I'm listening to Wicked right now, does that mean I'm depressed?

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