Wednesday, November 14

One Day More...

When will this Broadway Strike end?!? My aunt was coming down with half my family this weekend to see The Lion King...and she invited me. Guess not. In all honesty I don't mind that it's happening. It's cool to be living when a huge historic event (for better or for worse) is happening right near you.

I mean I'd still settle for a job with Broadway so I could be REALLY part of the strike. Steps though, steps...small steps.

I saw the Radio City Musical Hall Christmas Spectacular! last night. I was stoned and with friends, it was absolutely amazing. Being in the bathroom at Radio City, when high is like being in paradise. Try it sometime.

Otherwise, on the way home last night I was listening to the end of Nine the Musical (starring Ms. Morris) and Anita's Simple and Karen Akers' Be On Your Own caused me to start crying while walking home. It was strange, yet I knew exactly why I was crying.

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