Friday, July 25

If I Were Packing...

Then I'd be getting something accomplished. Well, I blame my 9-5 waste of life. It motivates me to do nothing. Nothing. I am so over my internship, purely when my Asian supervisor worked out a math equation to how long it would take me to simply modify 2,700 Articles in the achieve. Without breaking to do anything else. When I told him sometimes I pause to read the articles because they're interesting he replied with, "Learn not to do that."

That's why a month ago when they flirted the idea of being the newscaster on the radio sounded amazing. Now with nerves about life and moving and how mundane this internship is. I simply told them my heart wasn't in it.

Or when my supervisor asked me if I found this internship useful and all I could reply with was, "Well it helped me realize I never want a 9-5 cubicle job ever again. I can now officially answer that question. So, I guess it was helpful."

I will not get trapped into that lifestyle ever. Ever.

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