Tuesday, July 15

Steady, Steady

If I suddenly took control. If I suddenly grabbed the bull by the horns. If I suddenly began plotting and made the conscious decision that never again was I going to let my life slide out of control. Would I be able to do that? People in their later years have no right to tell early younger people to learn to stop worrying or to take life in control.

If I said right now:

I will finish college in 2009. I will graduate. I will move away. I will find a job I enjoy and write plays in the meantime. I will eventually, around 31/32 have a transfer back to NYC where I will have my Broadway premiere. I will be nominated and win a Tony award. I will bask in success and then retire down someday and make the final edits for my anthology that is being published.
In a time of The Secret and positive thinking. Wouldn't that mean this is all possible? I think it's time to take control of the situation.

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