Saturday, February 14

At The Bar Tonight . . .

It's past 4 AM. That's fine. I am tired, but full of life.

I saw Harring tonight with a new guy. We ignored each other, but I could feel him look at me, as I looked at him. I held my own and was graceful. There was a moment when my heartbeat increased drastically. I was nervous, but I calmed down as other people began to hit on me.

I know that it was his problem and my friend told him, "I'm not speaking to you." When he tried to start up a conversation with him. I was happy he said that, people care about me and my feelings.

I am on good terms again with the Hot Dumpling. Which is terrific. It's all healed and complete, hurrah, hurrah, hurray. Tomorrow I will be fine because I know I am attractive, but single because I don't have the time. I didn't feel jealousy and though I felt nervous at one point. I was strong and forceful. I felt good-looking and desirable. That's good enough for now.

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