Sunday, February 22

A Year of Magical Drinking

I drank a lot. It was in a punch bowl and I was thirsty. I hadn't eaten much, but it dehibilitated me this morning. I woke up with the devil in my head and the sickness in my tummy. I would get so dizzy and I eventually puked. Tra-la!

I have class and movie stuff this week. Free work on Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh then to fake classes, I've read some of the articles and books. I am faking it so well and feeling guilty for having used it as an excuse. School is rough, when in actuality it's not. It's all part of the boredom of this life I'm leading. It'll change soon enough.

This coming week is a social festival. Housewarming parties, roommate's birthday, friend's birthday, a school play and other such activities are planned. I hate structured plans, but I intend to complete all of them. I hope I can keep the energy going.

A new attitude. Time for sleep. Early morning tomorrow.

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