Thursday, August 30

What. Do. I. Make. Of. THIS?


The development of this essay (your ideas) is excellent.
Your reasoning in analytical thesis are of a high order.
It is unusual for someone who has developed a high
level thinking skill to have a problem punctuating sentences.

Here we go again. That was on the front of my essay that I wrote in class yesterday in less than 50 minutes. When I got to class today my teacher said, "I haven't officially graded these papers, but I gave them a check, check minus or check plus. I have put some question marks on the papers for people who I feel may not grasp the issues we will be covering."

As she said this her eyes lingered on me. I knew something was up. The paper was on the topic, "Pick an part of your life that you feel helped develop yourself as an individual." I decided to write about my being held back and how it impeded my social skills and has therefore created what you read before you.

Now this is an English 2 class, but this woman is a smart, I can tell. If it were some boring teacher I wouldn't have been so effected. I never expected a comment like that. This woman is a what I hope to achieve when I'm older. Powder white hair, always wears lose fitting shirts because she doesn't wear a bra. She keeps herself up to date on technology, runs websites and other such things. I google'd her and found out that she won 7.5 million dollars (not for herself) when she brought a law suit to the CUNY system in the 70s dealing with their discrimination and fair treatment for female teachers.

I may not go to a prestigious school like NYU or Columbia where I pay up the nose, but CUNY actually has some pretty awesome teachers.


She both gave me a great backhanded compliment, that on cue has shaken me. Granted I never proof read in class essays. (Do I REALLY proof read anything?) So that was ultimately my fault. She continued that she noticed I left early. But, if it is a persistent problem I should meet with her to "eliminate is from your writing." I'm touched and had to laugh out loud the moment I read this comment.

You are an idiot savant.

Oh the ghosts of my past are coming back at me again this evening. Though I am hardly upset anymore. I'd rather have a high level of thinking and horrible punctuation, than be a great (technical) writer with no original thought.

You said it's unusual for someone of a high level of thinking to have problems punctuating sentences?

Hello, how do you do.

As Tom Jones once said, "It's not unusual..." Now you can say it too!

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