Monday, January 28

Back to School...again

I'm sitting before I go to school enjoy my last moments of having absolutely nothing to worry about. As we know, these feelings will all be gone in a couple of days. Not that I am not completely without worry, but it only gets worse from here on in. Worse is the wrong choice of words, intense is a more appropriate way of putting it. From here on in it only gets more intense.

That works.

In China I have learned several things:
First being that I don't need to wear product in my hair everyday or ever again for that matter. Anyone who has seen my photos from China will notice that. This was also put to the test when I went out to a gay bar/club on Saturday. I immediately felt naked as I noticed all the other gay men who has places wax, glue or gel on their heads. Then I realized, do you even need to try that hard? It's just hair, your hair looks fine without molding as it did with it! So I think without gel it shall be.

Second, that I can get anywhere if I put my mind to it. I got to China and that means I can also get internships and new theatrical jobs. I swallow, for I know it will be exhausting, but I can surely do it. Once again, correction. I WILL do it. I just need to keep my spirits up and push, push, push.

I will not be that girl stuck at home in the burbs.

Third, I will FINISH the God Damned Patti LuPone Pillow because a procrastinator I am not! In China, I was the only one who really ever was ahead of their workload. I spent to many nights walking from room to room watching people freak out. While I could: drink wine or watch a DVD. It was one of the only times I felt utterly relaxed. Imagine that, being trapped in a foreign country with nothing familiar to you. And I feel relaxed. Strange bedfellows, strange bedfellows.

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