Tuesday, September 23

Insomnia — September 23, 2008

Oh the magical hour of 3 am approaches! Except to(day)morrow I have to be up at 7:30 AM for class. I've taken a sleeping supplement, but my body has built an immunity to them it seems. How odd. Perhaps it is true what my friend says, that I'm invincible.

I'm going to try and sleep with classical music. Usually around 3 AM, I pass out. My mind decides that it's tortured me enough. As I've said before: I always feel elite being an insomniac. My mother would be so proud, her son, an Elitist!

I tried laying a pillow next to me. To simulate a body. I tried that counting thing again. Am I doing something wrong? Oh and I won't start on the thoughts of castration that have been milling about in my mind. Why are they there? How did they get there? Well, I suppose all thoughts have a place in their own right.

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