Thursday, October 30

The Plague

I was talking with a friend from high school tonight about life. She called because she feels guilty for jumping into Graduate School to soon. I'm one of the belief that I try to treat friend's problems as if they all equally important. We all develop differently, and if going to Grad School to early is what aches your heart, who am I to disagree?

So I listened and I tried to tell her that she needs to grow and that what she will be doing in ten years won't have any repercussions because you went to Grad School right after college. The world is falling apart, feel glad you'll have gone through it without having to have dealt with real life.

Then she uttered, "I am still a little weirded out with you know?"

To which I responded, "What with my affliction to the plague?" I told her that she needed to realize that what I have isn't some rare disease anymore, that I'm not an imaginary figure somehow come to life. That what I have has been around since before we were born. I do not what to be viewed as some tragic victim. As if the me now, is any less of a person than he was years ago.

Perhaps I am a little less of a person. I still will not just sit around and talk about myself as if I'm some legendary figure. It bothered me more than I figured it would.

This is my life, it's no less normal than yours. We just want to be normal here.

Normal people have issues too.

Normal. Issues.

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