Saturday, December 27

Lets End This Sooner Than Later

I'm ending this affair upstate, only a day earlier than planned. I have accomplished all I can while I've been up here. I need to just be in Brooklyn and be done with this last semester. I need to take a breath and think of what is coming next.

I've rediscovered Queen thanks to K. Freddie Mercury makes me so happy and hot. Bicycle is such a trippy song and the way he sings the word "bicycle" is just chills my soul. I melt a little.

So today was the day I ate with my Oma and Opa. Which means I returned into that time capsule. In turn this means images I enjoy thoroughly:

My Opa has made a bunch of pens out of different kinds of woods from all over the world. He let me pick out any one of the pens from his collection. I felt like a J.K. Rowling character getting their wand for the first time.I picked this one he made from a rare African wood and African Nut. Also because the story of this pen went something like this:
OPA: (Thick German Accent.) I get these little African nuts, that I have to shape with my machines. So I crack open the nut and what do I see . . . little insects! Little insects are living in the nut! You know what I do? I pack the nut up into a plastic bag . . . and I stick it in the freezer!

My Oma stores her cookies in a pot with pieces of bread to keep moisture? The pot is stored in her guest/sewing room. She somehow manages to make cookies without using butter or some intricate ingredient.
Welcome to my home...

1 comment:

Noah Champion said...

This is one of the most touching and adorable entries of yours I've read.

The stories about your Oma and Opa are so lovely and real. I feel I could ghost write a memoir of you and your relationship with them.

Not to mention the donation of your grandfather's handcrafted rare African wood pen. I loved your comparison to Harry Potter and receiving one's first wand.

As writers pens are, in a way, our wands. Our tools of magic and talent.

It's really a beautiful and wonderful thing.

Thank you.