Wednesday, March 14

Iguana Reveals His Face

So my friend Britt and I went out to dinner to catch up on old times. And she's an art student so she brought along her digital camera and we took pictures with them...

So for those of you who don't know what I look like I'm showing you now! And no I am not actually an Iguana in real life...though I wish I was sometimes...An eccentric one no less.

Note: If you think I'm ugly, please keep it to yourself.

Britt titled this: "my dog got lost and i just found him but noticed at the same time that his front right leg has been severed off by oncoming traffic" face .

Britt says, this is my happy face...This is my "Oh" Face:

Lastly, this is MY MYSPACE MAKE OUT PHOTO!!!

You can view the rest of our goofy and pointless camera session here.

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