Friday, September 14

Iguana's Home Again

(An actual house that is down the street from me, yes in case you're wondering. The Iguana grew up in luxury. Poor little rich boy.)

Driving back home from the mall I had a mind fuck. I looked around and then looked at my hands and thought. What? Is this really me? I'm upstate and d riving an SUV to and from the mall.

At the mall I strolled the FYE and purchased a COMPLETE recording of Showboat (that in the city is normally like 50-60 dollars) for 20 bucks. Who says treasures aren't in normal places. What's great about this recording is not only is it the absolute full show, it has the original lyrics. So there's a lot of the N-Word being white people no less.

Keeping on task, I drive. And I drive very well I might add. I may have gotten many speeding tickets, but let it be known. That I never got in an accident, no matter how fast I drove. I wonder how I grew up here. I still wonder that. It's like being stuck in time.

I drove out of the city on the bus, at 7:15 am, I looked at the city and said, "I will be back Sunday." How melodramatic.

Another note: I got a full bootleg recording of Young Frankenstein. I'm gonna listen to it fully soon, mark my words. I listened to Sutton Foster yodel and I was actually amused. Then I listened to other songs and was slightly upset. All of the songs are about sex, REALLY about sex. It's kind of annoying. Mel, we get the point, lets move on.

I miss certain people back in the city. You probably know who you are.

Sitting becalmed on the Lee of Cuttyhunk. Show Boat is getting very dramatic, it's insane!

OH yes, speaking of insane. I was talking to my mother and I've come to the conclusion that insanity, or eccentricity is in my blood. Don't believe me? My mother isn't enough proof for you? Lets examine her parents for a moment...

My grandparents are two German immigrants. My Oma (German for grandma) had three kids originally, but the oldest died at two months old and the youngest died due to a blood disease after giving birth to a child.

They entered the Jehovah's Witnesses when my mother was 15 and then left the practice years later. Now they celebrate nothing, yet are extremely careful in religious aspects. As a child I was always forced to say prayers at night starting with, "Dear Jehovah..." To begin a prayer with Dear Jesus seems absolutely strange to me. She would tell me little strange tidbits of information like how God would see me lying and all that.

Twice in her life she has suffered from two nervous breakdowns. The first, I was too young to witness. The second, I was there watching.

She became insanely paranoid. Accused my parents in front of me. Would scream at them, accusing them of plotting against her. For over a year she refused to leave the house, convinced that they would put things in the food is she did. On top of that, she is extremely stubborn. It's all rather complicated. She's an enigma with stark white hair!

It came to my mind today that I have my father's horrible way of insulting people. But my Oma's weakness for holding things in when being mistreated and her stubborness to hold grudges.

I see insanity, I truly do.

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