Monday, September 10

Looking Back

I can't sleep...So I went through my old Photobucket account...and I thought why not give people a glimpse of what I used to be. I'm sort of embarrassed by these photos...but I am suffering from insomnia so why not?

Warning: These were all taken my Freshman year of college. It's strange to know that this begins my "senior" year so this was about four years ago...So just to repeat I LOOK NOTHING LIKE THIS ANYMORE!!!

Hello, My name is Craig. I'm 19 and I just moved to Brooklyn in NYC!! I'm going to art school! I have been bleaching my hair for 4 years now! And if I have any control over the future I will bleach it FOREVER!!! I have 6 piercings on my body...yea 4 of them are in my ears! [I actually DO miss having some piercings...idea...idea...]

This is my boyfriend, we've been dating for about a year now! We kept a very successful long distance relationship going while I was in college. I was "almost" faithful all the time. If I have it my way I will continued to bleach my hair FOREVER! And I'll marry my boyfriend...probably in Hawaii! This is us at the Gay Prom! We wore matching Marilyn Monroe T-shirts that year! I'm proud to say that I STILL fit into my prom outfit...if I don't breath. [Can you believe that he TOPPED me? Well we took turns...He was my hobbit and I did love him a lot]

Hey again! Winter nights in the know what that means! This is during the blizzard of 2005! We walked across campus and got REALLY drunk...on Shmirinoff...well my friend next to me did! This is me after 3 or 4 shots of Bacardi 151! I call it liquid fire! When I drink it in a straight dorm I become the token gay! As the token gay I'm required to put try and put my legs behind my head. [Little did I know how many more times I would be doing this in my future...]

This is me in the 1982. JUST KIDDING! It's me in 2004 still. I just bought this Sweater from a hipster clothing store in Williamsburg! Look at my hair! Believe it or not I was so popular that night. It was October 30, and daylights savings too. We went out and everyone kept asking me, "Who are you supposed to be?!" And I simply responded, "Myself." [Can you SEE where the insanity was born? I think this picture captures the birth of what would someday become the Eccentric Iguana. Literally, I used to wear that around campus and to class? WHAT?! And can come of you understand why CHESS is my favorite musical? I mean REALLY?! I look like I'm a leftover from a Bob Mackie collection gone wrong!]

Bet you didn't realize I have a twin sisters. JUST KIDDING...AGAIN...for the third time! I'm on a role tonight! This was one of my best friends coming into school! People used to ask us if we were twins! No way! She's always horny and drinks to much, but I love her all the same! [Funny story...I used to think SHE was slutty...Apparently, that mirror has two faces.]

My auditions as an Avenue Q replacement didn't go so well that day! Craig Jr. and I didn't take it to heart though! We put on our tapping shoes and went to town! [Okay, this would probably be a picture you could show me someday years from now and say, "WHY DID YOU GO TO ART SCHOOL YOU THEATRE FAGGOT!?!" And I'll shrug.]

Finally, this is me an a REAL celebrity! Delta Burke! Isn't that amazing!...

Okay I can't lie on this one. I was PAINED to get this photo. You can see it in my face... At this time in my life I had never seen Designing Women (trust me I've made up for lost time) and she was at this benefit and I just wanted her photo because people knew her. This lady talked and talked and talked and talked AT ME!. I so believe that Suzanne Sugarbaker and Delta Burke are the SAME woman! I just love, love, LOVE the look on my face.

Yes, that was me...I was much younger then. It's humorous to see what a rough year can do to a person.

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