Saturday, July 7

Iguana Has One day

No, no regrets.
No, I will have no regrets.
All the things, that went wrong.
For at last, I have learned to be strong!

No, no regrets.
No I will have no regrets.
For the grief doesn't last.
It is gone, I've forgotten the past.

And the memories I have.
I no longer desire.
Both the good and the bad,
I have flung into the fire...

It seems to have ended before it began. I called him to make a second date and he is busy this weekend and he asked me about my work schedule...

No, I will have no regrets.

Well I work 2 to 10 most nights...Silence. Followed by a sort of, "Oh..." And as I desperately tried to down play my work schedule I felt him slipping. I bumbled over the phone like a fool. Trying to make it sound like it could, that it WILL work.

I have forgotten the past.

I'm not giving up hope for anything exactly. I'm just playing it by ear. It's hard to work against the normal work hours. It's a hardship we take in stride. But, he's so handsome. This happens way to often I tell you.

And I feel in my heart, that a seed has been sewn.

He left the conversation with a simple, "Let's try to stay in touch and work something out." It was said sincerely I think, but I couldn't help but feel like that was a polite way of saying, "Goodbye my love that never got to be. Our time together was too short."

I have to laugh because everyone keeps telling me I go on dates every other day. And I don't disagree. But, should people be more concerned with the fact that I go on ALL these dates. ALL THESE DATES. Not these dates with one guy, ALL these dates.

It's like nothing I've known.

I still believe that I was made to be a beautiful statute. Just for people to admire and make comments about. Never to get involved with. I know that's stupid and corny, but it's somewhat true.

I will keep trying and seeing what happens. I mean I've still got my friend who I kissed on July 4th, but I like him as a friend more. Yes, I left that story out, no one missed anything. I also an voluntarily leaving out last night's tale. Let's just say the mistress intercepted into another open relationship. I got sleep I guess you could say. Other people's beds. Other peoples lives.

Statutes don't worry about these things. I swear.

I saw the Swedish Cast of Chess last night at my friends on DVD. Goodness. That show is light years ahead of anything. It is goofy, but even in Swedish I still LOVED it so much. They once again changed the entire show. It's funny how each version of that show is always completely and utterly different. One just sort of scratches their head and says, "Oh ok, this way is decent too."

It's still utterly amazing in my mind.

Happy birthday to me soon.

I think 22 is gonna be a good year.

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