Monday, December 17

Growing up is hard to do

I just made my first payment on my credit card! This means I'm turning into an adult...right? It's exciting because that means I'll be building a credit line and that someday I will qualify for a lease! Baby steps, baby steps. It makes wanting to leave my job difficult because well you can't make credit card payments when you have no income...well you can...can you?

Today was a Christmas party at my job, speaking of work. I drank as much wine as I could possibly and I did financial printing while slightly drunk. Yes BlackRock, I am making edits and typesetting your 497 forms...drunk. Take that! It was fun, except for the fact that I can't really stand most of the people I work with. It's all older middle aged men whom I have nothing to discuss. I don't talk about sports, tits or anything of that subject matter.

If I mentioned something like Patti LuPone Live at Les Mouches, they might have lynched me right there in the office. By the way I finally obtained that recording. I appreciate Leslie Kritzer's performance of it now cause she really captured a young Patti debuting in the city we call New York. I also find it funny that the Leslie version of the CD will not be coming out because Ms. LuPone promptly said, "Tell Ms. Kritzer to get her OWN act!" No one can really perform Heaven Is A Disco like Patti can though.

Friday can't come fast enough, but I know it will come soon. I will be done with the semester (save for the incomplete) and heading home to NYC. Not before having one last goodbye to the Tall Man. I enjoy his company and his body. We have this fun flirt-y thing going on, but I dare not take it another step because that would mean fucking it up...once again.

My dear friend, Britt, has finally revealed her whereabouts, as she hadn't returned any calls to me for the last month or so. Finals at Pratt for I.D. majors is difficult so I understand. I miss her though. More than I can possibly say. Needless to say we are meeting tomorrow to be ladies who lunch.

You're gonna love me like nobody's loved me. Come rain or come shine.

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