Thursday, December 20

Insomnia Blues

There's something about Nell Carter screaming at who I imagine to be Michael Bennett in an early demo recording of One Night Only, that makes me smile like a giddy school girl.

I am too eager to sleep. Tomorrow I have one final (granted I'd like to attend the gym) and then I'm spending my last day in Brooklyn with the Tall Man. This makes me immensely content. It's been a long while that kissing someone has made me feel warm. Which therefore means it will end disastrously.

I've been watching movie trailers: Prince Caspian, Funny Games U.S. and Cloverfield all look VERY good. Of course the next movie on my list is Sweeney Todd, it will be seen before China. I listened to the soundtrack and nodded approvingly. I think a lot of it's to be felt and seen in the movie itself. The soundtrack sounded scarce. I can say though that I love Toby actually being a BOY. Not some man-child like the original. Also the switching of Joanna before God That's Good!

Samuel Beckett is my new love of life. I can't explain why. He speaks to me in ways many authors haven't. I think, years ago, when I first read Waiting for Godot and kids in high school poo-poo'd it. How could I not feel that this is what "good" writing isn't.

Now this may come off as extremely nerdy, or ridiculous. I'll let you be the judge. I cannot wait, I have actually felt anticipation too, to read Beckett's plays. Like I am finishing Molloy as we speak. I will never think about sucking stones the same way again. Or the infinite ways they can be placed in coat pockets.

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