Sunday, December 9


Xanadu has once again played an important moment in my life.

I did 'shrooms for the first time with some friends while we "watched" Xanadu. By watch I mean we laid and looked at the light refracting off the silver metal in a bowl on the ceiling.

I am recording this for purely memorable purposes. So if you don't find this funny or it seems ridiculous then ignore. But it was very crazy. With each ELO song we had these mini adventures that kept coming.

In the light I saw God...well it took a while for him to come. He did show up though. It was very strange to be in the presence of God, mainly because I didn't have anything planned to say. So we just chatted for a little while. I began to cry a little, but let the emotions happen.

God kept shifting in an out of the form of the Virgin Mary. Once again, very awkward. Yet, I felt more comfortable with Mary than with God. I am drawn to the female figures of life, so it only seems appropriate.

Then one of the friends went to the bathroom and in my body, I began to scream. Well it was a laugh that eventually became a loud scream. Which suddenly became my purging of all the anger out of my body. Which became more of a braying than my screaming.

I returned to see God and realized that he was actually Lawrence Oliver. So I began to start shouting out Lawrence's name for a long while. At one point I did have a stare down with God. I think I won though, cause his eye did waver. In return for my conquest he gave me the gift to feel light and time. I began bending it with my hands. I felt the strings of light in the atmosphere. It was a very silky feeling (go figure).

While this was happening my friend developed a love affair with my ear. Just my ear. Not me, my ear. It was okay with me.

Then I began to sink into the floor a little. I was falling and screaming for some time. I didn't want to be lost. The light returned and I was content again.

So, yea. Xanadu.

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