Thursday, December 6

Another Night Alone...

So after listening to Rufus Does Judy, the travesty remake of Judy Garland's Legendary Carnegie Hall Concert...I don't even know why I ever feared Rufus was trying to "outdo" Ms. Garland in the first place? It's enjoyable as an ode...a mediocre ode in my opinion. He gets some songs down well and the others he misses.

I listened to a bootleg version of The Little Mermaid (I tell you today has NOT been a good musical day). I do still want to see the show, but it was boring from what is sounded like. Ursula was good, Sherie really captured the Campy Octopus. As a gay man I must love the overly campy parts...I just must!

Lastly, I listened to a full record of BARE: A Pop Opera. And I ask you, REALLY? Really? It's decent, but so strangely upsetting and over the top. Not even all that enjoyable. Everyone seems to be a horrible archetype of what I wouldn't want to be. And then the gay guy dies? Since I don't know the story...he kills himself? What I love most is that they're putting on a musical version of Romeo and Juliet. Which is supposed to reflect the gay couples nature. And there's the Sista Nun...who is a nun...but sassy enough to help out the homos.

It was too much to take at some points. And the whole bonding while at a Rave. Oh that was priceless.

I left work today, not having done any work for school and listened to these three shows and feeling utterly exhausted. I need to listen to something good tomorrow. I really need to focus on finals, and yet I can't. Does that mean I'm becoming an adult.

I did register for classes to much success. I'm on my way...I truly am...

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