Monday, February 25

The Oscars...

Last night I went to an Oscar's Viewing at my friend Jeff's. It was a private affair involving Gin & Tonics, Pot and lots of chips. The Oscars was a snooze. A major snooze, in my opinion. The only defining moment was when Marion Collard won, as I predicted way back when I first saw the movie in August. Way before everyone else was all abuzz. Yea, that's right I single handedly decided the fate of the Best Actress Category this year. I only try to use my powers for good.

So the song of my life right now is Nobody's Side. Yes, right. Well to tell you the truth, I am on Nobody's Side. Elaine Paige and I are both against everyone! As well as Judy Kuhn and Carolee Carmello! What a crew I run with, I'm actually aghast that there's not a Tony Winner amongst us! Well girl's worry not...I'll change that soon enough.

I came to the conclusion that I have dealt with so much bullshit and so many issues in my life, that I think God intended me to star in this Lifetime Movie he's making. Now I know, almost everyone thinks their lives are more important and interesting than the person next to them. So that's why I soon took that conclusion and decided to alter it slightly.

I decided that no, my life is not more important than anyone else's. And let's face it, there is no God cause so many people have so many problems, I find it hard to believe that God actually favors only those with religious zeal (who are the people with the biggest issues anyway).

I'm not trying to start shooting my mouth off, but I don't feel that religious people are more protected by God. I just feel they're more sheltered/ignorant. I digress...

As I was saying, my life is no more interesting than the people next to me. That's why I decided to start believing that when I don't see people. They cease to exist. It's not that people are boring but, their lives don't really matter unless I am somehow involved in them.

So I like to imagine that when I'm done hanging out with a person, they say goodbye and we hug. Then they just vaporize into thin air. Those thoughts aside, this doesn't count for my good friends. I need them to have lives too because what would I talk about? I am speaking more along the lines of...all those people I read on Livejournal and blogger.* I mean honestly.

* That last line was a joke to see if anyone even got that far to read it.

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