Saturday, February 9

A Saturday Night at Home

I suppose that's okay. I'm rewatching Side Show and seeing if it lasts the test of time. I bought Ms. Buckley's new album today. I like her older feel and you can hear her age in her voice. That's obvious though.

Today seemed to be, "Lay at home and do nothing day" for everyone I know. I was supposed to meet with friends and they canceled. I was supposed to do something, yet nothing happened. I am looking at a new laptop and phone, which excites me. Yet I mourn for my bank account. I need to get both of these items, I'm not such a good consumer though. I just want all Mac products...iPhone and MacBook. Once I get my tax refund (if I'm not arrested by the IRS first...long story, let's say my name isn't actually Iguana for certain reasons).

So yes, back to being alone. Last night I went to a little get together/game night at a friend of a friends. It was a gay gathering and I wore a tight shirt for such purposes. I was quickly announced as 22 immediately and knew my jig was up. The older men hit on me, how grand...I don't remember how many there were. It was mainly couples, couples make me mad because I am not one. Sure there is the Tall Man...but it's not that or I'd be there right now.

Instead my insanity catches up with me and I send texts asking when I can see him again. Bleh.

Moving along. Carol Channing does it again and stuns me with her greatness. Dr. Timothy Leary raved about this movie. I need to find it:

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