Tuesday, April 15

Chilly and warm, chilly and warm

The internship interview baffled me. It was well, I think it went well. How are you supposed to act comfortable in front of two total nerds. Like these guys were geeky. You'd think the people who work in Theatrical Related offices are a touch more personable. That is not a true statement. So I need to prepare a fake answer for that, "What do you see yourself doing down the line in five years?" Question. It always stumps me.

I met the guy who runs online radio. He was a justifiable dick head.

Him: So you know about musicals?
Me: Yes, I know it all. (More as a jest).
Him: Name all the Albert Hauge Tony Award Winning Musicals.
Me: Fuck you douche bag!

I know a lot, I know that's for sure. Don't be an asshole and ask me something obscure. I laughed and later researched the answers to that question. It's Redhead. I didn't gush about musicals, actually funnily enough I discussed straight plays. Am I turning into a sophisticate? No, because honestly what sucks on Broadway right now is the musicals. The plays are terrific.

Dork: What show are you seeing next?
Me: Charles Mee's Fire Island at the 3-Legged Dog Theatre.
Dork: I haven't heard of it.
Me: Of you haven't.

I'm not that big of a jerk, honestly. If I get it, I'll probably do it just for the experience. I need the experience. It seems like it'll be boring data entry and I'll be taking a pay cut, but I need the experience. I hate doing an internship at this late in the game. I want to get one that's perfect and will lead to a job. Wine, wine, wine, cheese.

Plus, this internship cuts into my initial "Take Geology and Bio" Plan of 2008. I can technically take Geology with the internship. I used the word technically loosely. Basically I would live without this internship and not miss much. Graduation or intern experience? Graduation? Internship? This one's tough.

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